We begin this week’s episode with everyone still racing - and Kynt & Vyxsin are way, way behind all the teams after missing their flight out of Japan by getting lost on the way to the airport last week. They seemed to be making up some time, but when it goes wrong, it goes really wrong, and they’ve left their fanny pack with their money and passports on the gondola. They were getting pretty close to Zev & Justin after the Chinese Zodiac fiasco - but now what? Although a double-leg can be pretty exhausting, maybe, just maybe, they’ll be able to stay in it.
We see Zev & Justin on the Mat with Phil, who tells them they are still in the Race, and “as a matter of fact, you’re still racing.” They must take a train back to Kunming and then travel to Dounan Flower Market for their next clue. Kynt & Vyxsin get back to the gondolas and after riding back to the top, find that someone has turned in their fanny pack. Vyxsin says that sometimes “there are screws loose” in their brains.
Margie & Luke are at the train station at noon, and find out the next train leaves at 7:05 p.m. (So much for the lead!) Kynt & Vyxsin get to the Detour and choose to make the candy rather than trying to navigate through the streets (good idea). When they get to Phil, they are told that they’re still racing - BUT! They took the wrong flight and have incurred a 30-minute penalty, which they will wait out when they get to the next Pit Stop. (I swear, if they manage to stay in this Race with everything that’s gone wrong in this leg, they have somebody watching over them!) As they read their clue, we find out there’s a double U-Turn on this next leg.
As the teams wait around at the train station, Jet & Cord see a basketball hoop and since Flight Time & Big Easy have a basketball, they get a game going. Jet, Flight Time and Kisha will play against Cord, Big Easy and Jen. Cara & Jaime were performing cheers on the sideline, and there were a whole lot of locals watching. It looked like great fun, as we see Flight Time shoot a basket after he put the ball on the back of his neck! Kynt & Vyxsin show up and are immediately quizzed by the other teams. Kynt tells the teams their car broke down and they missed the flight in Japan. Mallory asks if they’re getting a penalty and Vyxsin tells her “we still don’t know what they’re going to do.” The teams all start talking among themselves that they should have received a penalty. Everyone is back together and leaving on the same train. The rooms in the train have bunks three high, and Zev & Justin are up on the highest one, saying that being up there gives them less chance of getting murdered. (Reading too many spy novels, guys!)
Once in Kunming, Ron & Christina tell their cabbie in Chinese to go fastest, and Zev & Justin are content to follow their cab. The flower market reminds me a bit of Eastern Market. Kisha & Jen get the clue first, which tells them to taxi to the Golden Horse & Jade Cock Memorial Arches to find the next clue. There are a lot of teams showing up at the flower market at once - the Cowboys, Globetrotters, Kynt & Vyxsin, Gary & Mallory, and Jaime & Cara. Each of them tells their cabbie to wait (I see a problem brewing). As they find the clue and get back to the cabs, the Globetrotters are the last team to find the clue and there is one less cab waiting - the Cowboys take off knowing they’ve taken someone’s cab, and it seems to be our basketball stars. They manage to find one after a little searching.
The clue at the Arches is a Detour. Honor the Past or Embrace the Future. For Honor the Past, they will watch a traditional Tibetan performance and count on their powers of memory. After the performance (and without taking notes) they will have to arrange dolls representing all the characters in the performance in the order they appeared on stage to get their next clue. Embrace the Future has the teams offloading a solar heating system, carrying it to the roof of a building and properly installing it to get their clue from the supervisor. Neither sounds easy!
Ron & Christina and Zev & Justin will Honor the Past, while Margie & Luke will Embrace the Future. Kisha & Jen will try the memory task. Jet & Cord and Gary & Mallory get to the Arches, and see a McDonald’s - thinking that the clue box will be by those “golden arches.” Flight Time & Big Easy will build the solar heating system. At the Tibetan performance, they must dress in costumes which include a headdress that is basically a graduation cap with a large circle on top and long fringe hanging off all around it. We see Margie & Luke get to the building and grab a large box to take to the roof - and they must use the stairs!!!! This is a really evil task to make them do after no Pit Stop, little sleep and little food. Evil, I tell you!
Jaime & Cara and Kynt & Vyxsin will try the solar panels, along with Jet & Cord. Gary & Mallory and Jen & Kisha go off to try their memories. At the performance, Zev & Justin get their first guess of dolls wrong, but go back to check and get the clue first, which tells them to go to the place in the photo they are given, which is the Chinese Minority Heritage Center. There is a double U-Turn waiting for them there. Kisha & Jen get their clue and join Zev & Justin in the street asking locals about the photo. Ron & Christina are wrong on their first try also but figure it out and see the other two teams still there. Zev asks if Christina knows what it is, and she says yes, telling the cab driver to go to the Yunnan Province Cultural Center. Might be the same place, might not.....
Margie & Luke finish their task as Cara & Jaime and Kynt & Vyxsin show up to start assembling. Jet & Cord get there too and begin lugging the equipment up the stairs as Kynt & Vyxsin squabble as they build. (Well, actually, it’s just Vyxsin trying to push Kynt around, yelling that he’s going too slow). Jaime & Cara are the next to finish.
Ron & Christina’s cab stops and the two teams following get out, racing around to try to find the clue box. Christina realizes that the cabbie took them to the Kunming Cultural Center and everyone gets back into their cabs to race to the correct spot, hoping that no other teams get there first. However, that’s not to be as Margie & Luke show up, grab their clue and tells us they will not U-Turn anyone. The clue says they have to find the Stone Forest, where their next clue is.
Jaime & Cara get to the Heritage Center next, but Jet & Cord find the clue box before they do. They also choose not to U-Turn anyone, and then tell Kynt & Vyxsin where the clue box is. They get to the clue box barely before Jaime & Cara, and decide to U-Turn the Globetrotters with urging from Jaime & Cara. Unfortunately for the Cheerleaders, Kynt decides to U-Turn them, apologizing as they run off, saying “sorry, guys, it’s the only way we’re gonna survive.” They remembered that on their last Race, they U-Turned a team that was already ahead of them, and Kynt knew 100% that the redheads were behind them. Jaime & Cara U-Turned the Globetrotters and took off to do the other task, hoping that they could sail through it and get on with the Race.
Zev & Justin, Ron & Christina, and Kisha & Jen catch up to Kynt & Vyxsin and Jet & Cord at the U-Turn, where Vyxsin says her cab driver knows where the Stone Forest is, so everyone will follow them. Gary & Mallory tag along in this caravan also. Jaime & Cara get to the theater as the Globetrotters find out they’ve been U-Turned and head to the theater also. The Cheerleaders manage to finish before they show up.
We see Jen & Kisha telling their cabbie to lose the other cabs, and Zev & Justin’s cab can’t keep up. They are aggravated that they didn’t stick with Ron & Christina. The Globetrotters make quick work of the dolls and take off, as we see Jaime & Cara’s cab having to stop for gas. Gary & Mallory are following Zev & Justin, who are not sure their cab is going the right way. Kisha & Jen get to the Stone Forest and their Roadblock clue asks “Who’s ready for a task 1000 years in the making?” This is a place where scientists found the largest amount of dinosaur relics in China. The team member doing the task must reconstruct a 20-foot dinosaur correctly to get their clue from the paleontologist. Kisha, Margie, and Christina will attempt the task. Kynt will do the task also, and Vyxsin hugs Kisha as they wait. Kisha asks why they U-Turned, and Vyxsin spills the beans that they have a 30-minute penalty to make up, telling Kisha that they didn’t want to lie, but just “fudged the truth a little bit.” Ron overhears and will tuck that away for future reference, saying that they are like Kibuki dancers, lying and hiding behind their masks.
Flight Time & Big Easy pass Jaime & Cara on the freeway, as we see Zev & Justin and Gary & Mallory stop and try to figure out where to go. Justin grabs a rock and shows his driver, then points to a tree, and the driver seems to get his meaning. Jet & Cord get to the dig site, and Jet will attempt this task also. Big Easy, and then Jaime will do it, and then Justin and Gary get to the site and will attempt it also. After looking at all the other teams there, and the task at hand, Gary & Mallory pull out the Express Pass and get their next clue. It allows them to skip the task and go to the next Pit Stop, which is Green Lake Park in Kunming.
Christina is told mid-build that her dinosaur is unstable. Kynt’s dinosaur is finished, but wrong. Jet is given the okay on his and off go the Cowboys. Flight Time asks Cara what the deal was with the U-Turn, and she says it started with Kynt & Vyxsin U-Turning them. Vyxsin then tells Flight Time that they had to make up for their 30-minute penalty, and Flight Time says “okay then, as long as you weren’t being mean.” He adds that he thinks the Redheads were being mean.
Jet & Cord manage to pass up Gary & Mallory, whose cab left. Margie & Luke get their clue after Margie’s successful build. At the park, Gary & Mallory arrive to see the Cowboys and it’s a mad dash to Phil at the Mat, which Jet & Cord win handily and get $5000 as their first-place prize.
Vyxsin is watching Kynt get another “no” on his build and sweating that they have to make it 30 minutes ahead of another team - and then Kynt’s stepladder collapses and sends him flying to the ground. All the others are having major problems assembling their dinosaurs as well, putting stuff in and taking it out. Jaime is exhausted and Kynt and Christina figure out what’s wrong with theirs. Kisha manages to finish hers correctly and gets the clue. Kynt then manages to get his correctly and off they go. In the parking lot, Kisha & Jen find out that their cab has left them and Kynt & Vyxsin leave ahead of them. Big Easy finishes his dinosaur and the Globetrotters take off celebrating - they got U-Turned and are still in the Race. Margie & Luke check in with Phil in third. Kynt & Vyxsin find out they’re the 4th team, but have to sit for 30 minutes before they can be checked in. They see Kisha & Jen get to the Mat, who are checked in 4th by Phil. Flight Time & Big Easy show up at the park as Kynt & Vyxsin’s penalty is up and Kynt & Vyxsin get 5th, with the Globetrotters 6th.
Christina finishes her dinosaur leaving Justin and Jaime as the last two at the Stone Forest. Justin gets a “no” from the paleontologist, and so does Jaime. Justin fixes his dinosaur and gets their clue, as Jaime realizes the wrong piece will make her take apart most of her dinosaur and is thinking she doesn’t have the strength to do it. Cara is thinking that their time on the Race is done.
Ron & Christina beat Zev & Justin to the Mat by a step, getting them 7th and 8th respectively. Back at the Stone Forest, Jaime is getting the dinosaur reconstructed with sore shoulders and total exhaustion, not willing to quit. They end up at the Mat where Phil tells them they’ve been eliminated. Sorry, Chris, and I’m not happy about it either!
Next week the teams are in Calcutta, India - which Zev calls “Cal-Crazy.” Tune in for our next elimination (or not)!
1 - Jet & Cord
2 - Gary & Mallory
3 - Margie & Luke
4 - Kisha & Jen
5 - Kynt & Vyxsin
6 - Flight Time & Big Easy
7 - Ron & Christina
8 - Zev & Justin
9 - Jaime & Cara - eliminated
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
A Race Through Japan Leaves the Father-Son Team Out in the Cold (Mud)
Our teams ended the last leg in the Australian Outback in the mining town of Broken Hill. Not much of a Pit Stop, because they immediately board a train for an overnight trip to Sydney. The teams will leave the station as they would the Pit Stop, with first-place Zev & Justin finding out they are to fly to Tokyo, Japan. They must then find a parking garage with a clue box. Justin remembers his last Amazing Race trip to Japan, having to eat a Wasabi roll. The Globetrotters and Cowboys are on the next train, although Jen & Kisha should have made that train too (tsk, tsk, can’t lollygag around, ladies!) Margie & Luke decide to go to a travel agency at the train station, and Mel & Mike join them. Mel says that every hour he gets to stay in one place makes him stronger. “I’m old, but we can make it.” Kynt is wearing a cowboy hat today, to show that Jet & Cord “aren’t the only ones that can rock a cowboy hat.” They’ll be checking Travelocity (how nice to mention one of the sponsors!) Jaime & Cara hit the travel agency, and Gary & Mallory take off for the airport. Ron & Christina are excited to be going to Tokyo, with Christina telling us that she’s engaged to Azaria, who she met on Season 12 (he raced with his sister and they placed 6th). In the taxi, Zev & Justin discuss that the Globetrotters and Cowboys are right behind them, and Zev says they need “a cool name. We’re the special kids.”
Mel & Mike find a flight that lands 15 minutes earlier than the one Margie & Luke are looking at, but it stops in Hong Kong. The teams will have 3 hours to make the connection in Hong Kong. At the airport, Flight Time & Big Easy catch up with Zev & Justin at a free internet kiosk and find out the same thing. Mel is a little apprehensive about booking the flight through Hong Kong, as is Justin, who says “what’s 15 minutes in the grand scheme of things?” Jet & Cord grab the direct flight, as do Jen & Kisha. It seems none of the teams are willing to take the flight that stops in Hong Kong - until we see Kynt & Vyxsin and Jaime & Cara doing exactly that. After some debate at the travel agency, Margie & Luke and Mel & Mike decide to try it as well, with Mel saying he’s thinking it’s a bad idea. The “Special Kids” and Globetrotters check with a travel agent to research the earlier-landing flight a little more, and find out there are only two seats left on it. Big Easy tells them to take it, because “we owe you one, remember?” Justin is still not sure it’s the best idea.
Landing in Hong Kong, the pilot announces that there will be a delay because there’s a problem with the engine that needs fixing. (I thought they were going to change planes - obviously not). They have a 3-hour window, so hopefully that’s enough time....
The straight-through flight lands first (so much for 15 minutes!) The clue at the parking garage tells them to drive themselves to Kamakura, locate the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, and go to the Yabusame Dojo for the next clue. The cars in the garage are on some kind of conveyor belts and they press a button to get their car to their level. Big Easy & Flight Time press their button for their car, and Jen & Kisha press theirs right after, and it ended up that the conveyor stopped at the girls’ car first. It’s a pretty small car, and Big Easy is scrunched in the driver’s seat. We find out the “first” flight landed an hour and a half after the one that landed at 6:15 a.m.
Kisha & Jen, Gary & Mallory and the Globetrotters are driving and have to stop because everyone is lost. Despite his snarky attitude and slow driving, Ron & Christina get to the Shrine - and the clue box - first. The clue is a Roadblock. The team member will have to find out if they are truly “arrow-dynamic.” They must dress as Samurai and learn to perform a Yabusame ritual and techniques for shooting an arrow from atop a wooden horse. They will learn the ritual (which looks like a karate kata, or form) and then will sit on a wooden horse and have to shoot arrows at a target as they are being spun in a circle. They get a clue once they hit a target.
Ron is going to attempt the task, but he’s already complaining that “I don’t have great eyesight. My daughter has better eyesight.” Gary will also attempt the task of doing a thousand-year-old ritual, because “I was born a thousand years ago.” Flight Time and Jen will try it as well.
The other 5 teams are driving through town and seem to be lost, too, and pull over to discuss their location and route. Back at the Dojo, Ron is having major problems with his form, saying the judges were being too strict, and none of the other folks are getting it either. Jen mentions that they are very “detail-oriented.” Zev & Justin show up and Justin will attempt the task.
Jen tells us she’s into detail also, and not only performs the form correctly, but hits her target on the first arrow. Their next clue tells the sisters to drive to Minami-Ashigara and look for the Diutsan Railway Station and locate the Kintaro Statue (a child riding on a bear) for their next clue. Justin and then Gary get through the task next and take off, and we see Kynt & Vyxsin, Mel & Mike and Margie & Luke arrive at the Dojo. Kynt, Luke and Mike will do the task. Kynt loves the Samurai outfit. Ron finally manages to get his form right and sounds like a wounded loon as he shoots his arrow and hits the target. Jet & Cord finally find the Shrine and Jet volunteers to try this task (especially after how wonderfully Cord did the last one). We see Jaime & Cara driving through town and Cara tells driver Jaime to move over a little, she seems to be hugging the left side of the road a bit too much. Next thing we know, their car smacks into something which turns out to be someone’s mirror. They offer to pay for the mirror (which only has a little chip out of the bottom and no mirrow) but the man wants to call the police - plus, the language barrier doesn’t help any either. The police show up and there’s no mention that anyone got a ticket, and after a “long time” Jaime & Cara finally get back on the road.
Zev & Justin and Gary & Mallory find the railway station (and it looks to be by accident) and get to the clue, which is a Detour. Phil tells us that the Japanese have many traditional rituals, with some having religious significance and others are “just for fun.” The two choices are Prayer of Purity or Frog of Life. For Purity, they will take part in a Shinto religious cleansing ritual by putting on proper clothing (which looks like a karate gi, or uniform) and learn not only the verbal prayer, but the physical part of it too. They will then have to stand underneath a waterfall that comes from the melting snow of Mt. Fuji - in 45-degree water - for one minute. In Frog, teams will have to strip down and go into a huge mud pit and search for a frog (not a real one) as onlookers pelt them with mud.
Zev & Justin and Gary & Mallory are off to the mud pits, while the Globetrotters and Ron & Christina will attempt the Prayer of Purity. Kisha & Jen finally get there and decide to search for the frog also. Jaime & Cara make it to the Shrine and Cara will attempt the Yabusame ritual and apologizes to the woman dressing her, saying “sorry if I smell.” Luke and Cord finish their task, and Kynt and Mike finish shortly after.
At the mud pit, Zev & Justin and Gary & Mallory hit the tents to change into their outfits. They’re laughing about wearing their underwear “with a diaper and a headband.” Zev says they look like “very skinny sumo wrestlers.” (I just love Zev. He’s got a quick wit and funny self-effacing humor. The autism he’s stuck with is obviously liveable...) Zev says “let’s find this frog and then eat its legs for good luck.” It does look like fun slopping around in the mud!
At the Shinto ceremony, the Globetrotters seem to get the wording right (I guess, none of them are making a whole lot of sense to me) and are allowed to attempt the physical part. They have to do what looks like another type of form with a bo, which is a stick about 6 feet long and maybe an inch or two in diameter, and kiai (yell) while doing it. (I studied martial arts for 8 years and the kiai is the best part. It’s called “spirit-letting” and is a great way to release frustration and get you moving again). Ron asks Christina if she has their backpack, meaning there will be something about that later.....
Zev & Justin find the frog and Justin does a muddy chest bump on the nice, clean Grand Master after they get their clue. (If I’m the Grand Master Justin is lucky to leave without broken legs!) The clue tells them to drive to Kurihama and find the landmark commemorating the landing of Commander Matthew Perry, which is the Pit Stop. Gary finds the frog and gets their clue from the now cleaned up Grand Master. As Mallory races off, she tells the locals “you’re gonna see a couple of redheads in these outfits and they’re gonna look good, don’t worry.” Zev & Justin spray each other off with hoses, and Justin didn’t want to take the time to put on pants. Zev tells us in an interview “he was wearing underwear. I’m not wearing any underwear.” Justin asks him “now?” Zev says “yeah.” Justin: “that’s hot.” (Okay, best buddies or ... what?) Kisha & Jen run out complaining that it’s freezing, and Jen tells us “it’s 30 degrees outside and I’m wearing a diaper.” Crawling through the mud, Kisha remarks “I guess I’ll remember to keep my mouth shut.”
Mel & Mike and Kynt & Vyxsin will try the Frog as well, and Jaime finally manages to shoot her arrow. Flight Time & Big Easy are in the cold water finishing their ritual, and as they try and leave the water, Big Easy falls down, and starts yelling “I want my mama! I want my mama now!” As they leave, they grab their “backpack,” which looks like Ron & Christina’s fanny pack. (Better that than losing it I suppose). Ron & Christina finish with the waterfall and go to get the fanny pack, and finding it gone, start asking the locals if they’d seen it. As Flight Time & Big Easy take off in the car, they talk about leaving the fanny pack inside the changing room, saying “that would not have been great if we’d have grabbed the wrong bag.” (I hope Ron & Christina find it - I’m not fond of Ron, but I’d hate for them to go out because of this). Ron asks if the Globetrotters took it by accident and wants to know why they would make such a stupid mistake.
Back at the mud pit, Kisha is telling us that “I’ve got dirt in places dirt shouldn’t be right now.” She finds the frog and hugs the Grand Master (I’m wondering if this guy is sorry he signed up for this now!) At the changing huts, Ron finds the fanny pack in the room.
Justin & Zev stop for directions and Justin still has no pants on. He says that he’s never talked to strangers in his underwear before. Jet & Cord fly into the mud pit thinking they’re looking for a real frog and want to spot it jumping and were bummed they weren’t live frogs.
Zev & Justin make it to Phil at the Mat in first place and win a trip to Costa Rica. The interview after has them telling us “we’re in it to win it this time” as Justin puts his arm around Zev and Zev says “don’t touch me.”
At the mud pit, Vyxsin finds the frog and Kynt gives the Grand Master “a big muddy hug.” (That poor guy!) As they leave Kynt mentions that his makeup still held up (sounds like a good opportunity for a commercial for whatever makeup he uses). Margie finds the frog as Gary & Mallory get to the Mat in second place, followed by Flight Time & Big Easy.
Jaime & Cara are racing to the mud pit where Mel & Mike are still looking for the frog and freezing. Mike wants to quit but Mel is pushing on. Ron & Christina get to the Mat in fourth and she tells Phil that the Globetrotters took their fanny pack, and had they taken it by mistake they should have returned it to the original spot, because it caused them a big delay. Phil tells them because the Globetrotters took their fanny pack, he would give them a 30-minute penalty and Ron & Christina were now in third place. Kisha & Jen then end up in fourth place, moving the Globetrotters to fifth. Jet & Cord get sixth.
At the mud pit, Mike is shaking and Mel is still going at it, and they end up in a medical van to warm up. Jamie & Cara show up and start sloshing around in the mud. Kynt & Vyxsin make it to the Mat (Kynt says “I’m still freezing”) and Margie & Luke are happy to find out they’re in eighth place. Jaime & Cara find their frog as Mel & Mike sit in the van, and Mike is till shaking uncontrollably. Jaime & Cara are sure they’re in last place, getting to the Mat and announcing for Phil that “you are the last team to arrive and you have been eliminated.” He tells them they are incorrect and in ninth place.
Mel & Mike make it to the mat and are eliminated, and Mike tells Phil he loved the experience of being able to run the Race twice. Mel says it’s brought them closer together and that’s the best part.
So here’s our order of finish:
1 - Zev & Justin
2 - Gary & Mallory
3 - Ron & Christina
4 - Kisha & Jen
5 - Flight Time & Big Easy
6 - Jet & Cord
7 - Kynt & Vyxsin
8 - Margie & Luke
9 - Jaime & Cara
10 - Mel & Mike (eliminated)
So what will the Globetrotters’ reaction be when they find out about their penalty? Previews tell us that next week “Ron comes unglued.” That was just a matter of time
Mel & Mike find a flight that lands 15 minutes earlier than the one Margie & Luke are looking at, but it stops in Hong Kong. The teams will have 3 hours to make the connection in Hong Kong. At the airport, Flight Time & Big Easy catch up with Zev & Justin at a free internet kiosk and find out the same thing. Mel is a little apprehensive about booking the flight through Hong Kong, as is Justin, who says “what’s 15 minutes in the grand scheme of things?” Jet & Cord grab the direct flight, as do Jen & Kisha. It seems none of the teams are willing to take the flight that stops in Hong Kong - until we see Kynt & Vyxsin and Jaime & Cara doing exactly that. After some debate at the travel agency, Margie & Luke and Mel & Mike decide to try it as well, with Mel saying he’s thinking it’s a bad idea. The “Special Kids” and Globetrotters check with a travel agent to research the earlier-landing flight a little more, and find out there are only two seats left on it. Big Easy tells them to take it, because “we owe you one, remember?” Justin is still not sure it’s the best idea.
Landing in Hong Kong, the pilot announces that there will be a delay because there’s a problem with the engine that needs fixing. (I thought they were going to change planes - obviously not). They have a 3-hour window, so hopefully that’s enough time....
The straight-through flight lands first (so much for 15 minutes!) The clue at the parking garage tells them to drive themselves to Kamakura, locate the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, and go to the Yabusame Dojo for the next clue. The cars in the garage are on some kind of conveyor belts and they press a button to get their car to their level. Big Easy & Flight Time press their button for their car, and Jen & Kisha press theirs right after, and it ended up that the conveyor stopped at the girls’ car first. It’s a pretty small car, and Big Easy is scrunched in the driver’s seat. We find out the “first” flight landed an hour and a half after the one that landed at 6:15 a.m.
Kisha & Jen, Gary & Mallory and the Globetrotters are driving and have to stop because everyone is lost. Despite his snarky attitude and slow driving, Ron & Christina get to the Shrine - and the clue box - first. The clue is a Roadblock. The team member will have to find out if they are truly “arrow-dynamic.” They must dress as Samurai and learn to perform a Yabusame ritual and techniques for shooting an arrow from atop a wooden horse. They will learn the ritual (which looks like a karate kata, or form) and then will sit on a wooden horse and have to shoot arrows at a target as they are being spun in a circle. They get a clue once they hit a target.
Ron is going to attempt the task, but he’s already complaining that “I don’t have great eyesight. My daughter has better eyesight.” Gary will also attempt the task of doing a thousand-year-old ritual, because “I was born a thousand years ago.” Flight Time and Jen will try it as well.
The other 5 teams are driving through town and seem to be lost, too, and pull over to discuss their location and route. Back at the Dojo, Ron is having major problems with his form, saying the judges were being too strict, and none of the other folks are getting it either. Jen mentions that they are very “detail-oriented.” Zev & Justin show up and Justin will attempt the task.
Jen tells us she’s into detail also, and not only performs the form correctly, but hits her target on the first arrow. Their next clue tells the sisters to drive to Minami-Ashigara and look for the Diutsan Railway Station and locate the Kintaro Statue (a child riding on a bear) for their next clue. Justin and then Gary get through the task next and take off, and we see Kynt & Vyxsin, Mel & Mike and Margie & Luke arrive at the Dojo. Kynt, Luke and Mike will do the task. Kynt loves the Samurai outfit. Ron finally manages to get his form right and sounds like a wounded loon as he shoots his arrow and hits the target. Jet & Cord finally find the Shrine and Jet volunteers to try this task (especially after how wonderfully Cord did the last one). We see Jaime & Cara driving through town and Cara tells driver Jaime to move over a little, she seems to be hugging the left side of the road a bit too much. Next thing we know, their car smacks into something which turns out to be someone’s mirror. They offer to pay for the mirror (which only has a little chip out of the bottom and no mirrow) but the man wants to call the police - plus, the language barrier doesn’t help any either. The police show up and there’s no mention that anyone got a ticket, and after a “long time” Jaime & Cara finally get back on the road.
Zev & Justin and Gary & Mallory find the railway station (and it looks to be by accident) and get to the clue, which is a Detour. Phil tells us that the Japanese have many traditional rituals, with some having religious significance and others are “just for fun.” The two choices are Prayer of Purity or Frog of Life. For Purity, they will take part in a Shinto religious cleansing ritual by putting on proper clothing (which looks like a karate gi, or uniform) and learn not only the verbal prayer, but the physical part of it too. They will then have to stand underneath a waterfall that comes from the melting snow of Mt. Fuji - in 45-degree water - for one minute. In Frog, teams will have to strip down and go into a huge mud pit and search for a frog (not a real one) as onlookers pelt them with mud.
Zev & Justin and Gary & Mallory are off to the mud pits, while the Globetrotters and Ron & Christina will attempt the Prayer of Purity. Kisha & Jen finally get there and decide to search for the frog also. Jaime & Cara make it to the Shrine and Cara will attempt the Yabusame ritual and apologizes to the woman dressing her, saying “sorry if I smell.” Luke and Cord finish their task, and Kynt and Mike finish shortly after.
At the mud pit, Zev & Justin and Gary & Mallory hit the tents to change into their outfits. They’re laughing about wearing their underwear “with a diaper and a headband.” Zev says they look like “very skinny sumo wrestlers.” (I just love Zev. He’s got a quick wit and funny self-effacing humor. The autism he’s stuck with is obviously liveable...) Zev says “let’s find this frog and then eat its legs for good luck.” It does look like fun slopping around in the mud!
At the Shinto ceremony, the Globetrotters seem to get the wording right (I guess, none of them are making a whole lot of sense to me) and are allowed to attempt the physical part. They have to do what looks like another type of form with a bo, which is a stick about 6 feet long and maybe an inch or two in diameter, and kiai (yell) while doing it. (I studied martial arts for 8 years and the kiai is the best part. It’s called “spirit-letting” and is a great way to release frustration and get you moving again). Ron asks Christina if she has their backpack, meaning there will be something about that later.....
Zev & Justin find the frog and Justin does a muddy chest bump on the nice, clean Grand Master after they get their clue. (If I’m the Grand Master Justin is lucky to leave without broken legs!) The clue tells them to drive to Kurihama and find the landmark commemorating the landing of Commander Matthew Perry, which is the Pit Stop. Gary finds the frog and gets their clue from the now cleaned up Grand Master. As Mallory races off, she tells the locals “you’re gonna see a couple of redheads in these outfits and they’re gonna look good, don’t worry.” Zev & Justin spray each other off with hoses, and Justin didn’t want to take the time to put on pants. Zev tells us in an interview “he was wearing underwear. I’m not wearing any underwear.” Justin asks him “now?” Zev says “yeah.” Justin: “that’s hot.” (Okay, best buddies or ... what?) Kisha & Jen run out complaining that it’s freezing, and Jen tells us “it’s 30 degrees outside and I’m wearing a diaper.” Crawling through the mud, Kisha remarks “I guess I’ll remember to keep my mouth shut.”
Mel & Mike and Kynt & Vyxsin will try the Frog as well, and Jaime finally manages to shoot her arrow. Flight Time & Big Easy are in the cold water finishing their ritual, and as they try and leave the water, Big Easy falls down, and starts yelling “I want my mama! I want my mama now!” As they leave, they grab their “backpack,” which looks like Ron & Christina’s fanny pack. (Better that than losing it I suppose). Ron & Christina finish with the waterfall and go to get the fanny pack, and finding it gone, start asking the locals if they’d seen it. As Flight Time & Big Easy take off in the car, they talk about leaving the fanny pack inside the changing room, saying “that would not have been great if we’d have grabbed the wrong bag.” (I hope Ron & Christina find it - I’m not fond of Ron, but I’d hate for them to go out because of this). Ron asks if the Globetrotters took it by accident and wants to know why they would make such a stupid mistake.
Back at the mud pit, Kisha is telling us that “I’ve got dirt in places dirt shouldn’t be right now.” She finds the frog and hugs the Grand Master (I’m wondering if this guy is sorry he signed up for this now!) At the changing huts, Ron finds the fanny pack in the room.
Justin & Zev stop for directions and Justin still has no pants on. He says that he’s never talked to strangers in his underwear before. Jet & Cord fly into the mud pit thinking they’re looking for a real frog and want to spot it jumping and were bummed they weren’t live frogs.
Zev & Justin make it to Phil at the Mat in first place and win a trip to Costa Rica. The interview after has them telling us “we’re in it to win it this time” as Justin puts his arm around Zev and Zev says “don’t touch me.”
At the mud pit, Vyxsin finds the frog and Kynt gives the Grand Master “a big muddy hug.” (That poor guy!) As they leave Kynt mentions that his makeup still held up (sounds like a good opportunity for a commercial for whatever makeup he uses). Margie finds the frog as Gary & Mallory get to the Mat in second place, followed by Flight Time & Big Easy.
Jaime & Cara are racing to the mud pit where Mel & Mike are still looking for the frog and freezing. Mike wants to quit but Mel is pushing on. Ron & Christina get to the Mat in fourth and she tells Phil that the Globetrotters took their fanny pack, and had they taken it by mistake they should have returned it to the original spot, because it caused them a big delay. Phil tells them because the Globetrotters took their fanny pack, he would give them a 30-minute penalty and Ron & Christina were now in third place. Kisha & Jen then end up in fourth place, moving the Globetrotters to fifth. Jet & Cord get sixth.
At the mud pit, Mike is shaking and Mel is still going at it, and they end up in a medical van to warm up. Jamie & Cara show up and start sloshing around in the mud. Kynt & Vyxsin make it to the Mat (Kynt says “I’m still freezing”) and Margie & Luke are happy to find out they’re in eighth place. Jaime & Cara find their frog as Mel & Mike sit in the van, and Mike is till shaking uncontrollably. Jaime & Cara are sure they’re in last place, getting to the Mat and announcing for Phil that “you are the last team to arrive and you have been eliminated.” He tells them they are incorrect and in ninth place.
Mel & Mike make it to the mat and are eliminated, and Mike tells Phil he loved the experience of being able to run the Race twice. Mel says it’s brought them closer together and that’s the best part.
So here’s our order of finish:
1 - Zev & Justin
2 - Gary & Mallory
3 - Ron & Christina
4 - Kisha & Jen
5 - Flight Time & Big Easy
6 - Jet & Cord
7 - Kynt & Vyxsin
8 - Margie & Luke
9 - Jaime & Cara
10 - Mel & Mike (eliminated)
So what will the Globetrotters’ reaction be when they find out about their penalty? Previews tell us that next week “Ron comes unglued.” That was just a matter of time
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