Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Race is Less Musical as the Singers, Connor & Jonathan, are Eliminated

The nine remaining teams begin in Ghana - but before they leave, they stay to paint the school (dripping paint all over from what I see). It underscores again how lucky we are in the US, and the teams work away with smiles and kisses for the kids.

Connor & Jonathan are the first team to leave the Pit Stop - and they rip open the clue to find out they’re going to the Arctic Circle. Actually, it’s Kiruna, Sweden, in Swedish Lapland. All teams have been given tickets for the same flight that flies from Ghana to Frankfurt and on to Sweden, but they’re not going to be forced to use them (making me think there are other ways to get there, and someone will try, and get stranded in some country somewhere.....). They must drive themselves to Jukkasjärvi and find the Icehotel, which is made from 10,000 tons of ice, and they’ll get their next clue there. The singers say they’ll be missing their college graduation on this Leg, and it’s a testament as to how bad they want to win it.

Gary & Mallory leave next, and Mallory screams to find out they’re going to the Arctic Circle. (She screams a lot!) Gary mentions they’ll be going from “a hundred to zero.” Chad & Stephanie leave and Stephanie asks “did I mention I hate freaking snow?” Katie & Rachel leave and Katie (I think, still can’t tell them apart) tells us she’s half Swedish but only knows a few words in Romanian, and the most mentioned is “dumb.” (Don’t think that saying “dumb” everywhere will help - nor will Romanian in Sweden!) Brook & Claire say they didn’t bring their snow boots, and Claire is bummed that they’ll have to put on more clothes (and no one will see her hot pink leopard shorts). Nick & Vicki, our resident brainiacs, get in the cab and Nick asks the cab driver if he knows where the Arctic Circle is. Michael & Kevin, leaving in last place and looking at a Speed Bump along the way, call the airport on the way and find out they can get a flight that leaves two hours earlier from Frankfurt to Kiruna. They decide to tell Gary & Mallory, because they can relate to them as a father/child team. They’ll have an hour between flights, so they hope that’s enough time to connect. Mallory sees an airport employee and asks him to check and see if they can get tickets. She laughs that they “need a girl” to help them out. Brook & Claire decide to check on an earlier flight also, and see an internet café and figure that’s where Nat & Kat are. Mallory’s “best friend” comes back and says they are all on the flight that leaves earlier. Mallory laughs that “I’m so glad I have blonde hair.” Connor & Jonathan are watching all this go on and think there’s an earlier flight and go to an information desk to find out. Nat & Kat bought tickets for the earlier flight, and decided to share that info with Brook & Claire (although how would they not - the Shopping Network gals showed up as they were buying the tickets!) Jonathan and Katie & Rachel find out that all the flights are fully booked and are nervous about some other teams getting a quicker flight. The teams that do have those tickets are preparing for a mad dash to the gate because of the one-hour window before their flight leaves. (Of course, if they miss it they can always use their original tickets - unless they had to give those up to get the new flight).

Nat & Kat make the flight, as to Gary & Mallory and Brook & Claire. We see Michael & Kevin in an elevator worried about making it on time - but the manage to get to the plane before it takes off. Gary & Mallory pass up the sign to the Icehotel, and with Michael & Kevin following them they have to turn around. Brook tells the woman standing by the clues that “my fiancé calls me an ice princess so I may have to borrow that [outfit] later. It’s very pretty.” The clues are blocks of ice with Swedish words etched in them that will lead them to Fjellborg’s Lodge - once they figure out the words. Michael & Kevin get their Speed Bump here. They have to sit on the furniture made from blocks of ice for ten minutes. Sitting for ten minutes sounds like a pretty easy thing to do - but to sit on solid ice with regular pants on? I dunno ‘bout that! Kevin is wearing soccer shorts, too! Michael laughs that he wishes they had that furniture in Ghana.

Nat & Kat ask a local what the words on their ice block say, and he tells them “it’s a camp. By a lake.” Mallory just wants to follow them (bad idea - you ALWAYS find out where you’re going before you decide to follow someone else!) Michael & Kevin get through their Speed Bump, but not before Kevin tells us that his butt is tingling. They get their block-of-ice-clue and say they should have brought gloves - “and butt pads.” A local gives them exact directions on where to drive.

Brook & Claire are following Nat & Kat on an unmarked trail through the (sparse) woods. Claire, in a sinister voice, narrates: “Four girls, traveling alone in the woods, and their car stalls ... and out come the ax murderers.” Michael & Kevin get to the clue box first (after leaving the Icehotel last) and it’s a Road Block: “Who’s feeling kind of mushy?” Dog sleds are the transportation of choice with snow eight months out of the year, but the other four months they have to stay in shape. They’ll have to mush their dogs with a summer training sled along a trail and pick up five different flags along the route. They’ll trade the flags for some pelts. For every flag they miss, they’ll have to do a penalty lap around the hunter’s camp. They then mush the dogs back to the start and exchange their pelts for the next clue. Michael takes off, yelling “good doggy” all the way. There’s a bear that jumps up next to the road - what—!!! Okay, it’s a guy in a bear suit. Cute. I’d like to think they’d find a way to keep real bears from getting that close to the contestants!

Mallory, Claire, and Kat will do the Roadblock too. As Michael gets all of his pelts the rest of the teams land in Sweden. Mallory misses the red flags but passes Kat up on the road, saying “I’ve got good dogs.” Kat’s dogs stop in the road and Claire passes her up as well. Mallory has to do a penalty lap and Claire gets her pelts with all of her flags, and kisses the hunter. I guess they’re doing a kiss count, and Claire’s was the sixth of the day. Wahoo! Germs from every part of the world!!!

The five remaining teams get to the Icehotel and some write down the words on the ice (as opposed to some other teams, who take the ice with them). Katie & Rachel ask a local, who says he can take them there. Thomas takes his ice but is having problems keeping a grip on it and uses Jill’s jacket.

Michael mushes back to the beginning and gets the clue, which tells them to drive to the Vassijaure Train Station for the next clue. All the mushers come back with mega smiles on their faces saying it was awesome.

Chad & Stephanie see all the other teams except for Jill & Thomas driving to the clue box. Katie, Connor, Stephanie and Nick race off to mush the dogs, and Jill & Thomas show up. Jill decides to do the task but they start running off in the wrong direction! We hear the familiar “zing” in the music that lets us know they’re making an AWFUL mistake. As Connor and Nick take off, laughing and urging their dogs on, Jill & Thomas keep running down a road to nowhere - but at least they’re thinking that maybe they screwed up, with Thomas asking “did we miss a sign or something?” (Yep.) If I’m them, I’m thinking about now that it shouldn’t take that long to get somewhere! They finally figure they’re off track and turn around, and Jill asks if they want to use the Express Pass. Thomas doesn’t want to make any decision yet but wants to check it out first.

Nick is hot on Connor’s trail, yelling “I’m coming, Connor!” as he catches up. Jill & Thomas get back to the dogs and off Jill goes.

Michael & Kevin get to the train station and the clue is a Detour. Phil tells us they're in a place where people can go to do extreme sports, but there are also people who follow the customs of their ancestors. They can do Sleds or Beds. For Sleds, they go to the top of the mountain and speed down a course on a tech sled. They both have to finish the course in less than a minute and 58 seconds. If they don’t make it, they have to go back to the top and try again. In Beds, they go to the camp of Sami people, descendants of Scandinavian nomads. Using the traditional tools, they must build a tent known as a ghoatti (if the internet tells me correctly). When the tent is up and the inside ready for sleeping with pelts and a fire, they’ll get their next clue. Kevin would love to do the sled, but he’s worried that his dad wouldn’t be able to do it. As they’re putting up the tent, and it’s flopping all over, the local Sami are cracking up watching them. (I think we have to have at least one set of locals laughing at a team or two every episode, or it just wouldn’t be The Amazing Race!)

Nat & Kat are next to the clue box and head off to Sleds. Back at the mush dogs, the teams finish their challenges and Nick tells the dog handler “your dogs are awesome!” They get their clues, and as Chad & Stephanie leave just before Jill & Thomas, Chad says that because of Jill & Thomas’ Express Pass, they’re running the Race as if they are in last place. After seeing what the Detour is, I wouldn’t blame them if they used the Express Pass!

Michael & Kevin are making better headway with the tent, but they tell us that they thought they’d be building a bed, not a tent. Nat & Kat get to the sled course and are loving the scenery sitting in the chair lift. They’re excited about trying the sleds, but Nat interviews that the turns were really icy and the course was fast, and pulling the brake didn’t do much. Kat misses a turn and gets tangled in a fence as Nat finishes in 1:48. Gary & Mallory start their run, and Gary takes off quickly but Mallory is kneeling on the seat and going slower. But! It looks like they make it - 1:58 on the dot. The guy tells them no, they have to BEAT the time. Back at the tent, Michael & Kevin have it up and are off to get pelts and firewood, and Kevin says his feet are frozen - he’s only wearing ankle socks. Nat & Kat make it in 1:55 on their second try. Their clue tells them to drive to the Pit Stop which is at the Norwegian Border. Brook & Claire make it in 1:48, and Gary & Mallory do 1:24 on their second try.

Chad & Stephanie decide to try the Sleds, but only Chad is excited - Stephanie wants nothing to do with it but says she’ll try for Chad. (Awwww). Nat & Kat find Phil and the Mat, and are the first team to arrive. They win a trip to Belize.

Michael & Kevin finish their hut and get their clue. Gary & Mallory then Brook & Claire get to the Mat and there are hugs all around.

Jill & Thomas are the last to the clue box at the train station and talk about using the Express Pass to just bypass the tasks and “kill everybody.” Jonathan & Connor are on the course, and Jonathan keeps falling over. Stephanie says she’s never been more scared in her life looking at the course. She ends up right behind Chad and yells at him to go faster, but ends up wobbling and tipping over. Chad yells at her to get back on. She hits a turn and flies off the sled and gets tangled in a fence. Ever the supportive one, Chad yells at her “well, don’t even try or anything!” Connor & Jonathan finish, but in 2:03 and have to try again. Stephanie crashes once again and tells Chad she can’t do it. At the bottom, Chad says Stephanie is letting her head get to her.

Jill & Thomas are attempting Beds and talking about using the Express Pass, saying it would be a shame to be eliminated and not use it. They decide it will take too much time and give the Sami their Express Pass and get the clue to go to the next Pit Stop. As Stephanie gets to the bottom of the course, she tells Chad she’s done. She doesn’t want to go again after crashing three times and the sled landing on top of her. She’s too afraid to try again. I’m looking at Chad’s face and thinking it reminds me of the old saying “if looks could kill....” She cries as they walk away and Chad thinks they’re giving up.

We see Connor & Jonathan trying again, and failing miserably, and Jonathan interviews that “saying Connor is batter at the sledding than I am is a gross understatement.” He kept going over and through the fences and was afraid he’d end up in Norway. Nick & Vicki begin the course and Vicki interviews that they’re a more physical couple than a mental one (you’ve definitely proved that!) and this challenge was more suited to them. They finish in 1:46 on the first try. Katie & Rachel are flopping all over and Rachel loses her sled down the hill, so they decide to switch tasks. After another disastrous run, Connor & Jonathan switch also.

As they get to the Beds challenge, Jonathan & Connor are happy to see the other teams, but Chad & Stephanie are soon finished. Katie & Rachel’s first check isn’t good enough, giving Connor & Jonathan some hope. Chad & Stephanie arrive at the Mat carrying their block of ice clue! Katie & Rachel get approval and drive off, and Connor & Jonathan get their clue. It looks like both teams get to the location of the Mat at the same time (and they have their block of ice also). The A Capella team sings their way to the Mat but Phil tells them they’ve been eliminated. From first to worst! They tell Phil they graduated from Princeton and graduated from the Race on the same day, and toss their baseball caps into the air. We’re treated to them singing about the Race and Phil sending them home.

1 - Nat & Kat
2 - Gary & Mallory
3 - Brook & Claire
4 - Michael & Kevin
5 - Jill & Thomas
6 - Nick & Vicki
7 - Chad & Stephanie
8 - Katie & Rachel
9 - Connor & Jonathan (eliminated)

Okay, yet another team finishes first. Are the teams that close? Do you see a clear front runner yet? Next week will only tell!

By the way, I've found a couple other "amateur" bloggers that are quite entertaining - you should check them out!
Sean -
Josh -

1 comment:

Register domain name said...

This is a new and different story for me. You have described very well. Thanks for sharing...

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