Sunday, November 29, 2009

Running Around in Prague - Answering Phones and Freezing Their Buns!

It’s getting down to the nitty gritty! Three teams are left (you have to read to the bottom to figure out who they are) and the finale is next week!!!!

Still in Prague, Meghan & Cheyne leave the Pit Stop first and the clue tells them to look for the Spanish Synagogue, which is the city’s oldest Jewish house of prayer. Sam & Dan know that they are now “looked at as the villians” because they stole Ericka & Brian’s taxi during the last leg of the Race. They don’t care, they want to make the final three.

At the Ekotechnicke Museum, the clue is a Roadblock. (Ericka & Brian’s Speed Bump is there as well). One team member must go into a huge room of ringing old-style telephones which the locals call “kafka-esque.” Only five phones will have someone on the other end, and each of the five will give the teams a letter. They then have to go to the supervisors and fill out a form and put the five letters at the bottom of the form in the proper order to get their next clue - it spells “Franz.” Meghan goes in and gets the letters and associates them with animals to remember them: R for rabbit, F for ferret, Z for zebra, and then gets to N and can’t come up with an animal. Meghan has to fill in such things as name, height, weight, partner’s name, and then misses it on the first try, but gets it on the second. Their clue tells them to go to Kryocentrum for their next clue. As Meghan & Cheyne come out of the Museum, Sam & Dan are just pulling up in their cab, and Meghan & Cheyne try to grab it but Sam & Dan tell the driver to wait for them. Meghan gets the driver to call for another taxi. (They should have offered the driver more money like Sam & Dan did - wouldn’t that be cosmic justice?) Dan runs in to do the Roadblock while Sam hopes he doesn’t get overly frustrated with the task.

Brian & Ericka leave the Pit Stop saying they can overcome more than “a little Speed Bump” because they’re the only team that has been in last place. The Globetrotters get to the Museum and Big Easy goes in to the phones as Dan finishes getting his letters and gets his first try rejected. (I love how the supervisor stamps big red X’s over the form, with great vehemence, like he’s trying to tell the teams they’re idiots.) He “doesn’t know if it’s a Czech word or English word.”

By this time, Meghan & Cheyne are at the Kryocentrum and get their next clue, which tells them to “check out the coolest holistic treatment in town.” They will have to strip down to their skivvies and spend two minutes in a -180̊ room. They get to wear socks and gloves, at least, and cover their ears and wear masks.

Brian & Ericka get to the Museum and find their Speed Bump. They have to “pay a visit to the green fairy.” They will have to find the M1 Pub and prepare a traditional shot of Absinthe by lighting a sugar cube on fire and dropping it into the shot glass with the Absinthe, and then drinking it. They will then get their next clue.

Dan is still having trouble spelling the correct word and calls the supervisors “douches.” The Globetrotters get to the Museum and Big Easy goes in to the phones as Dan gets to the supervisor’s room and gets rejected. The two decide to work together to try and figure it out. A lot of good it does, because neither of them can get the right combination.

Meghan & Cheyne come out of the freezer saying that “I feel bad for polar bears.” They get the next clue, telling them to go to the Charles Bridge, which connects the old and new sections of the city, and look for their next clue.

Brian & Ericka get to the bar and see the party going on, and try to pay attention to the bartender while he makes the drink. Brian doesn’t drink alcohol at all and says “it’s gonna be a challenge for me.” Brian sees all the women dancing on the bar and says “you’re gonna get me in trouble!” Ericka wisely tells him “you’re gonna get yourself in trouble!” They make their drinks and the looks on their faces after the shot are priceless! They say it was like drinking rubbing alcohol. (I’ve never tried Absinthe, myself.)

In the meantime, Dan finally gets the right combination and spells Franz. He tells Big Easy “it starts with an F, that’s all I’m saying.” Big Easy protests “that’s all you’re gonna give me?” Dan interviews that they’re trying to make the final three and he wouldn’t want to help him too much. (They were right, the brothers really seem to be nice guys but when it comes to a million bucks, they can be as nasty as the rest. Can you blame them, or are they being obnoxious?) Dan comes out and tells Sam that he and Big Easy were working together and he helped, but not much. Sam seemed upset that Dan helped even that much, and we see Big Easy griping in the supervisor’s room about how he felt Dan screwed him (I don’t blame him at this point, but I’m not sure I have a problem with it. It’s a million bucks!) Brian & Ericka get to the Museum and Brian tries the Roadblock. As he begins answering phones, Meghan & Cheyne get to the Charles Bridge and their clue is a Roadblock: Legend or Lager. In Legend, “teams will delve into Prague lore and Jewish mythology and build a Golem Man, which is made of straw and clay and was constructed to protect the Jewish quarters in the 15th century. Teams will cover a wooden Golem Man with clay and transport the figure through the town to the Old-New Synagogue and if it is deemed okay by the Rabbis, will get their next clue.” (I really hope everyone appreciates the research to find out what the hell Phil was describing there - it took me all of three minutes to Google it and find out what it was!) In Lager, teams must “drink in the local culture and deliver beer to a group of rowdy soccer hooligans.” Beer drinking is also considered a sport in Prague, and the Czech people drink more beer per capita than any other country. They have to carry 30 beers from a brewery through the town square to a bar to get their next clue.

Sam & Dan get to the Kryocentrum and complain that the Speedos are too small (although I have no complaints, they’re some cute butts there!) As they enter the cold room, Brian gets to the supervisor’s room and sees Big Easy still struggling with the letters for the name - he tells Brian he’s been there for about 2½ hours. Brian gets rejected and says the supervisor “is mean with the stamp.”

Meghan & Cheyne get to the Legend task and start to cover the wooden figure with mud as Sam & Dan come out of the freezer. Flight Time says he’s never coming back to the Czech Republic if they don’t get the word right. Brian gets the word and comes out of the Museum yelling, saying “I did it drunk, too!” Big Easy gets rejected once again and decides to go out to Flight Time saying that he’s willing to take the penalty. Teams who cannot finish a task must take a four-hour penalty before they can resume the Race. They insist it’s taking a strategic move, but I see it as dumb. With process of elimination, and anagramming the letters, it would have to be shorter to figure it out than four hours!

Meghan & Cheyne are struggling to move their clay-covered Golem, as the clay makes the statue much heavier. Brian & Ericka get to the Kryocentrum, with Ericka telling us that she’s from Florida and didn’t see snow until she was 21. Welcome to the cold, boopsie! Cheyne is complaining that Golem is heavy, and Meghan tells him that he’s taking the whole handle and not letting her help. Sam & Dan drop their Golem and Dan is asking if they should keep doing the challenge. Meghan & Cheyne are in the middle if the road trying to move their Golem and getting beeped at in traffic. They stop at the curb and she reminds him to be positive, as Cheyne tells Meghan he’s not yelling at her. The brothers bicker at each other covering the wooden statue (hey, we haven’t had a bickering couple the whole Race, it might as well be them!) Brian & Ericka decide to try the Lager challenge. Meghan & Cheyne get to the Synagogue and the Rabbis okay their statue, giving them the clue telling them to go to the next Pit Stop at Strelecky Ostrov, which is a small island next to the Charles Bridge.

Sam & Dan are rolling their Golem down the road and the arm is cracking and ready to fall off. They stand it up and bicker - Dan wants to go find the synagogue first and come back for the statue rather than drag the statue to the location. They stop a taxi driver and get directions from him.

Brian “used to be a server” so he’s instructing Ericka on how to carry the tray of beer. He takes 8 glasses and gives Ericka 7 and they walk through the street with locals bouncing around them and leering at the beer (or maybe at Ericka. Or maybe Brian!) He asks “don’t you people have jobs?”

Meghan & Cheyne run up to Phil at the Mat and find out they are team #1 once again. They each win 52" TVs.

Sam & Dan are seen pulling their statue and yapping at each other. Dan is complaining about how heavy it is, and Sam is telling him “Meghan did it!” Back at the Museum, Big Easy tells Flight Time that he killed about four trees filling out the forms. We then see Ericka & Brian carrying their beer, and as Brian tips one of his glasses over, Ericka turns around and loses her whole tray of beer. She tries to convince Brian to go do the other task., saying “it’s insane” and they won’t be able to do it. After seeing the other teams go through the Legend task, I’m with Brian - just stick with this one! Ericka just wouldn’t have the strength to pull that statue around. Brian gives her two glasses and tells her to just keep with it, and Ericka uses her hands to carry the two glasses. They have to dodge drunks walking down the street trying to grab the beers. Sam & Dan are still yapping and carrying the statue. Brian & Ericka are walking down the street with full trays of beer, and a girl walks by and says “For me?” and tries to grab a beer. Ericka gets an attitude saying “she’s about to get her ass beat” and saying she has “an American attitude.” Back at the Museum Big Easy is saying “it’s all on me.” Brian & Ericka meet up with some more drunks and manage to deliver their beer anyway. Sam & Dan get to the Synagogue and call it the “Detour from Hell” and still bitch at each other in the cab to the Pit Stop.

Brian & Ericka grab their last 11 beers and end up with a couple of guys following them down the street. Sam & Dan make it to the Mat and they two guys say “ooh, ow!” as they see the pretty lady standing with Phil. Phil tells them they’re Team #2, and still in it for a million bucks. They think they can overcome Meghan & Cheyne because the other teams see them as “second or third place.”

Back at the phone bank, the Globetrotters’ penalty is over and they head to the Kroycentrum. It’s daylight when Brian & Ericka finish delivering the beer and the guy waiting for them is half asleep. As they head to the Kryocentrum, Big Easy & Flight Time are hoping that someone had a real problem with a Detour - but it’s not to be, as Brian & Ericka get to Phil at the Mat and are told they are Team #3 and they celebrate.

We don’t see the Globetrotters go into the freezer, or which Detour they chose, but we get to see a recap of their exploits on the Race, with them riding the bikes, and dancing at the Opera House. As they get to the Mat, they know they’re in last place and Phil tells them they are eliminated. Big Easy says that this Race can tear up relationships, and it didn’t do that to them - and I give them credit. They really were the quintessential team, helping each other and staying positive the whole way. Too bad they were eliminated, but someone had to go!

Here is the order of finish:
1 - Meghan & Cheyne
2 - Sam & Dan
3 - Brian & Ericka
4 - Big Easy & Flight Time - eliminated

So next week is the finale - who will be victorious and get the million bucks? Will Meghan & Cheyne keep their winning streak alive or will the brothers manage to get ahead? Will the perpetual last-place team of Brian & Ericka pull it off? We’ll find out next week!

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