Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Romp Through Australia With a Bunch of Strange-Looking Kangaroos!

The teams are still racing - well, ten of them are. Our Cowboys Jet & Cord are still at the flags trying to decipher the phrase for the Commodore. This should make Amanda & Kris feel better about their double U-Turn, at least!

The clue that everyone received from Phil at the Mat on Shelly Beach tells teams to make their way back to Sydney and get To Sail to Stop - which is an anchor next to City Town Hall. The first six teams to get there will be signed up for two charter flights that will take them to Broken Hill, a mining town.

We see some teams take a cab back to Sydney, and some go back to the ferry. Jet & Cord finally get the phrase and take off to sail the 16-foot skiff. Amanda & Kris and Gary & Mallory get to Sydney, except they have no idea where they’re going. Kisha & Jen are taken to the Maritime Museum, but go to the information center and ask to use the computer. Zev & Justin show up and Zev tells us that “we started Googling” and Justin deadpanned “that sounds dirty.” They find out it has to do with an anchor and Town Hall so they all decide to walk over. We see Mel & Mike on the beach, and Mel is telling Mike “I’m not gonna make it” - already! Mel's legs seem to go out and Mike is worried about his dad. Kynt & Vixsyn jump on the ferry right after Mike & Mel, and Mel is looking pretty shaky. Mike is crying that “I don’t want to kill you.” (Good, good.) Mel tells Mike that it will be his own decision on how far he’s going to go.

Back in the water, Jet & Cord are showing us that riding horses and riding skiffs are two different things as they both fall off the side. On the ferry, Margie & Luke borrow a woman’s computer and find out they need to go to Town Hall and tell Jaime & Cara. Kisha & Jen and Zev & Justin get to Town Hall and are elated to find out they are the first teams there. The teams jump off the ferry and between asking locals and checking computers, they find out they need to go to Town Hall also. Ron & Christina run into Gary & Mallory as do Amanda & Kris, and they end up asking locals about where they’re going. Jaime & Cara and Margie & Luke find the anchor, and Mel & Mike and Kynt & Vixsyn end up joining them as the six teams that will get the first flight out of town.

Jet & Cord show up at the Mat, finally, and Phil tells them the bad news, that they are the last team to arrive. He then pulls out the clue and tells them to go redeem themselves, because they’re still racing.

Oh, my gravy - our Cowboys are asking everyone about To Sail To Stop and no one knows enough to tell them. It’s getting dark, the first flight is leaving the airport, and Jet & Cord are still wandering around town. They find a cabbie who knows where to go and see there are other teams on the flight with them - now to find out if they’ve made the flight! At the airport, Kisha sees Mel and asks him how he feels, and ever the gentleman, Mel says “I feel all right. Seeing you makes it twice as better.” Jet & Cord manage to make the second flight and have caught up.

The first six teams land and their clues are on their cars. They must drive to the Living Desert and search for the clue box. Jaime & Cara are going to stop and ask for directions with Margie & Luke with Kynt & Vixsyn. Mike & Mel are following Kisha & Jen, and Mel is in the back seat saying that “a kangaroo can go faster than you Kisha.” Zev & Justin find the clue box and it’s a Detour, where teams can choose between two Aboriginal customs: Spirit World or Natural World. For Spirit World, teams use natural materials to create an Aboriginal mosaic that matches the sample, and then perform a dance on top of it for their next clue. For Natural World, they must recreate territory markers using a natural paint made with clay and water. They must pour the paint into their mouths and spary it out onto stencils to create the markers. Once they’ve done it correctly, they get their next clue.

Zev & Justin will do Spirit World, because Zev tells us that Justin is very artistic, to which Justin adds, “and autistic.” (heehee!) All the other teams are doing Spirit World as well - I guess no one wants to suck clay water (not that I blame them). Mallory ends up grabbing the materials in her shirt as other teams follow suit. Kisha & Jen get a “no” for their mosaic while Kynt & Vixsyn are approved to go dance. Kynt runs around saying they need children to dance with, sounding like a pedophile - “we need children!” Zev & Justin and Margie & Luke just jump on their mosaics and start dancing (badly, I might add). I guess they have the right idea, though, because Kynt & Vixsyn get a “no” and Zev & Justin get their next clue. They must drive back to Broken Hill and find the home of the Magpies - a stadium, Central Football Club, where the next clue box is.

After they see teams running off, they finally realize that they have to dance on top of the mosaic and get their clue. Ron is being a butthead again micromanaging Christina’s completion of the artwork. She tells him to speak in Chinese so the other teams don’t hear them and copy what they do. No worries about that, mate - the Globetrotters, Cowboys, Jaime & Cara and Gary & Mallory all take off ahead of them. Ron & Christina don’t get an okay, and Amanda & Kris take off to do the other Detour. It’s funny to watch Amanda trying to spray the paint, and Kris takes over and does a pretty good job. They’re using reddish paint and when they’re done, it looks like they’re bleeding from the mouth. They finish just as Ron & Christina finish grabbing all their stuff and taking off also.

Zev & Justin get to the stadium and the clue tells them “time for a ‘roo’d’ awakening.” Phil says this task will challenge their knowledge of high school chemistry (in which case I’d be dead meat!) They will have to do it dressed as kangaroos! All they will have is a paper with the periodic table of elements written on it. They will have to bounce through the mining town, looking for the streets named for the elements in the table - but the street names are the names, and the table has the abbreviations. There are only two streets that cross each other, Mercury and Bismuth, and they’re highlighted on the paper. When they get to that intersection, they’ll see the next clue box.

The kangaroo costumes have little bouncy things on their shoes and Margie has problems staying upright. She and Luke tag along with Zev & Justin as Jaime & Cara drive up, laughing that the teams are dressed as kangaroos. The two teams find a local with a handheld computer and she looks up the abbreviations and directs them to the streets. As they bounce through town, locals watch and laugh. Back in the locker rooms, Kisha & Jen go to the men’s locker room and are shooed out to the women’s, with Mel remarking “they’re always trying to get in the locker room.” Jaime tells us with a seductive grin that the kangaroo costume is “a far cry from a little green bunny suit.” Kynt & Vixsyn join up with Jaime & Cara, and Kynt knows the names of the streets they’re looking for. He tells us he got an “A” in Chemistry and it’s nice to know it finally paid off. One of the girls tells him “Brains and beauty! Go Kynt!” Mel is running ahead with the bouncy feet and decides that he wants them for the rest of the Race. As they bounce down the street with three or four other teams, we see an Animal Control truck parked!

Margie & Luke and Zev & Justin find Mercury Street, and Margie ends up dropping a part of her costume on the street. Luke tells her to “just go” and something tells me this is not a good idea. Would have taken her 2 seconds to pick it up! I guess she didn't know that she dropped it until later on, and she tells Luke that they have to go back to get it (smart lady) as Zev & Justin get to the clue box. It tells them to go to the next Pit Stop (in their kangaroo suits), which is Junction Mine, a former silver mine built in the 1800s. They are allowed to put their shoes on and as they get in the car, Zev slams his tail in the door and yells “ow!”

Mel finds the costume part and picks it up as Margie & Luke get back to the spot. Margie gives Mel a big hug in thanks. Zev & Justin get to the Mat where Phil tells them “I’ll give you the bad news - you look ridiculous.” The miner Phil is with tells Zev he’s the female (with the baby roo sticking out of his pouch). Justin says he’ll be the female as long they’re still in the Race.

Flight Time & Big Easy
are second to the Mat and Phil asks the miner if he’s ever seen a kangaroo that big before. (I guess Phil is gonna have a field day with these costumes!)

Ron & Christina and Gary & Mallory are talking about teaming up, but Gary & Mallory take off in the direction that the other teams did, with anal Ron saying they need to get their bearings first and wondering why Mallory is just running off. Take a chill pill, dude!

Jet & Cord get to the mine just as Kisha & Jen do, and beat them in a foot race for third place.

Ron & Christina and Gary & Mallory figure out the streets they’re looking for, but aren’t doing a great job of finding them. Amanda & Kris get to the clue box right after they do, and Ron again complains that Mallory is “just impulsive.” At least she’s moving, buddy!

Margie & Luke get to the Mat fifth, and Mel & Mike are sixth. Mike tells us his Dad is his hero. Kynt & Vixsyn are seventh, Jaime & Cara follow and Phil tells them they’re the best looking things to hop into town. Gary & Mallory prove that impulsive isn’t a bad thing as they check in next. It looks like a foot race at the mine as Ron & Christina and Amanda & Kris pull up, but Ron & Christina make it to the Mat in tenth place. That leaves Amanda & Chris to get eliminated, and Kris is really bummed about it. They still love the opportunity and “would do it again.”

The previews for next week are interesting - “the teams are steeped in Japanese tradition” which includes flinging mud in their underwear. And it looks like Jaime & Cara end up hitting someone or something as they drive along. Hmmmm!

So have Jet & Cord redeemed themselves from that horrible start? The teams seem to be pretty cooperative with each other, how long will that keep up? You know someone’s gonna get cutthroat sooner or later!

1 - Zev & Justin
2 - Flight Time & Big Easy
3 - Jet & Cord
4 - Kisha & Jen
5 - Margie & Luke
6 - Mel & Mike
7 - Kynt & Vixsyn
8 - Jaime & Cara
9 - Gary & Mallory
10 - Ron & Christina
11 - Amanda & Kris (eliminated)

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